Treatment Gallery
Paintings are fragile and changes are to be expected. Many changes do not threaten the stability of a painting and are not considered damage. Physical damage is the most common form of damage to an oil painting. Abrasions and dent-like impressions, tears, holes or punctures in a canvas support can be caused by poor storage or handling, household accidents and natural disasters. Prolonged exposure to extremes of dryness, humidity, heat or cold with little air flow will make a painting susceptible to structural damage.
Interventive conservation refers to the direct interaction between the conservator and the cultural material. This includes cleaning, stabilizing, repair, or even replacement of parts of the original object. These kinds of interventive conservation treatments take place in our studio which is a modern, well equipped work area. Each treatment is done by highly trained and experienced individuals committed to preserving each artist’s vision by treating the physical object to insure its long term preservation while staying true to the artist’s original intent; the aesthetic and appearance that the original artist desired.
The treatment of each artwork is based on a thorough assessment of its condition and a well thought out treatment plan. Treatments range from simple grime removal and re-varnishing the painted surface to a complete aesthetic and structural treatment including the removal of grime and discolored varnish, reversal of old, poorly done and crude restorations, tear repairs, adhesive consolidation of insecure areas of the paint layer, and reinforcement of the original fabric support as well as filling and inpainting losses and application of new varnish.
Elizabeth of Bohemia, before treatment
Elizabeth of Bohemia, during cleaning
Elizabeth of Bohemia, after treatment
L. Mazzanovich, Autumnal Tone, oil on canvas, before treatment
L. Mazzanovich, Autumnal Tone, oil on canvas, during treatment
L. Mazzanovich, Autumnal Tone, oil on canvas, after treatment
Michael the Archangel, before treatment
Michael the Archangel, during treatment
Michael the Archangel, after treatment
Vance Kirkland, Riverview, 1927, oil on canvas, before treatment
Vance Kirkland, Riverview, 1927, oil on canvas, during treatment
Vance Kirkland, Riverview, 1927, oil on canvas, after treatment